Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Concert halls and food halls in Germany



on Sonia's balcony 

in Sonia's kitchen 

Hamburg ---- > 



Nord Coast roaster
coffee and breakfast 

Brook at the harbor 

Composers Quarter Museum 

 Tide in 

Martin Frost 

BERLIN --- ->

 Philharmonie  Berlin 

Berliner Philharmoniker 
with Gustavo Dudamel 

Music Instrument Museum 


FACIL  a 2-m-star restaurant 

            Beelitz asparagus , Gillardeau oyster, Lettuce and Ox bone marrow 


mackerel, buckwheat, coriander and corn

Wagyu flank steak -black beans, yellow radish and star anise 

shoulder and heart of polting lamb - chili koji, kohrabi and annatto 

the secret garden - rhubarb, coffee and  chickweed

the kitchen 

Osmans Tochter (next door to Met) 

a queue for kabab street food 

book store

ballet  store 


self catering from markethall 

Japanese shaved ice 

formal east 

Cuore di Vetro Gelato 

Museum Island 

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