Sunday, May 21, 2023

green week: Montmorency cherry tree, sorrel mint pesto



GARDEN --- new Montmorency cherry tree | blooming mountain laurel  | blooming Korean magnolia |  blooming rhododendron  | perennial flowers  | Icelandic poppy

 beautiful smooth crimson bark

DINNERS --- Persian pita bread  | sorrel & mint pesto sauce | curry cauliflowers | rice bowl with steamed egg custard, sauteed long beans and lightly picked vegetables | miso-marinated and grilled salmon | steamed asparagus with white pepper and rice wine sauce | steamed rice balls with mushroom wrapped in banana leaves | homemade  babaganoush | Korean noodles with homemade kimchi and cucumber


  • planted a Montmorency cherry  tree near the tea house. it will have  snow white blossom and bright red sour cheery next year

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