Friday, April 29, 2016

Pasadena inspriation

4-29-2016 Fri. chilly, cloudy. 

BREAKFAST --- coffee
LUNCH --- apple | Valrhona  chocolate ( at Lavande P.)
DINNER --- ( for  c. group)   cava | guacamole and crackers | shao-mai || Ayu tempura and yuzu dipping sauce | Maine sweet shrimp poached in garlic/sage/olive oil and  in grapefruit marinade, with fennel | deconstructed beet soup with buttermilk and dehydrated strawberries, mint | baked bronzino with lemon and ginger | sauteed beet leaves with fermented black beans | pan-fried asparagus with eggplant wrap | quinoa | chardonnay | riesling ||  Canele de Bordeaux , ice cream and strawberry | tea 

  • a good spring feast, colorful and fresh  
  • cooking inspired by sunny southern California 

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