Paella with mushrooms and frog legs

  • 1 cup Bomba rice
  • 1/4 cup sofrito (Spanish tomato and onion sauce)
  • 1 cup chicken broth, 1 cup water
  • 8 frog legs
  • 4 brown mushrooms
  • 1 sprig fresh rosemary
  • 1/2 cup chopped asparagus
  • saffron
  • salt, soy sauce
  • cooking oil, cooking wine
  • olive oil

  1. marinate frog legs with a little cooking wine, soy sauce, minced ginger and green onion, salt, pepper for 30 minutes
  2. add 1tbs cooking oil to a paella pan or a big shallow pan, add frog legs to brown the meat over medium to high heat, then take the meat out and set aside
  3. add mushrooms to the pan, add 1 tbs cooking wine, 1 tbs soy sauce, saute till soft and fragrant
  4. return the frog legs to the pan, and add asparagus
  5. add 1 cup chicken broth, 1 cup water, 1/4 cup sofrito, bring to boil
  6. add crushed saffron, rosemary, salt and pepper
  7. add the rice to the boiling broth mixture
  8. boil over high heat for 5 minutes, stir to spread rice evenly in the pan
  9. reduce the heat to low, sprinkle a little olive oil to the surface, and simmer for 20 minutes or till the rice al dente, do not stir or disturb the rice during the simmering
  10. turn off the heat and let it sit for 5 minutes, serve hot

notes: Bomba rice is a variety of short grain rice from Spain, special in its unique texture of creamy out layer and firm core. the production is relatively small and expensive in the U.S. After a few experiments with various short grain rice, I found the Egyptian rice or Northern Italian Carnaroli rice are the best substitute. Chinese rice being too sticky, Arborio rice too soft.

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