Steamed taco-shaped pork buns

  • 1 tbs minced ginger
  • 1 tbs minced onion
  • 1/2 cup Shao-xing wine
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 2 tbs Cantonese barbecue sauce ( Cha-shao sauce)
  • 1 tbs brown sugar
  • salt and pepper

  • 1 big piece of pork butt about 2 lb ( it really is from the pig shoulder )
  • string and foil
  • 2 tbs Cantonese barbecue sauce
  • green onion or other green leaves ( shiso leaf, watercress)
  • hot chili sauce
  • taco-shaped steamed buns ( he-ye-bao)

  1. cut the meat lengthwise, about 3-4 inch wide, rub with salt and pepper
  2. mix all the marinade ingredients well, marinate the meat for one to two days
  3. pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees
  4. take the meat out from the marinade, tight it with string as shown in the picture
  5. use foil to make a sealed bag, leave one end open
  6. put the meat in the foil bag, pour 3-4 tbs marinade in to the bag, seal the open end
  7. put the meat in the foiled bag on a broiler pan and bake in the oven at 350 degree for 2 hours
  8. take the pan out , cut open the top of the foil bag, brush the meat with Cantonese barbecue sauce
  9. return the meat to oven, change the oven setting to broil, for 10-15 minutes till the top is browned.
  10. remove the meat from oven, discard foil and remaining juice, let the meat cool to room temperature
  11. cut off the string, slice and serve with green onion, and hot chili sauce on the steamed buns

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