Sunday, January 28, 2024

fermewnted sweet rice 77 degree, baked pizza 550 degree


 DINNERS --- fermented sweet rice with sweet dumplings |  hoem baked limpa rye bread | sunny side up eggs | pan fried lotus root | parboiled pea leaves | sauteed eggplant |sauteed  fresh celtuce and beech mushroom | potato and greens salad | boiled  northern Chinese dumplings | grilled black cod marinated with white miso | home made pizza: three mushroom ( shiitake, beech and king ) , lamb sausage with  homemade red sauce,  peas with canton sausage with homemade white sauce 

sweet rice socked and steamed

best yeast from Shanghai 

fermentation  at work , 77 degree, 3 days

Volla ! 

limpa rye bread 

fresh celtuce 

grilled bleck cod marinated with miso 

lamb sausage and red sauce 

three mushroom and chili 

peas and canton sausage 

walk the walk daily 

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