Sunday, August 4, 2024

Syrian eggplant relish and puffy bread


 DINNERS ---  Syrian eggplant relish | puff bread | gazpacho | pickled cauliflower and carrot | Korean spicy kale | chive flower and beech mushroom | cod stew with new potato and roasted red pepper |  pizza  

 crown gall  
on the young sour cherry tree 
it will need a surgery 

a newly acquired  vintage book 

  •  a quote from "Travels with a Donkey": "Alas, as we get up in life, and are more preoccupied with our affairs, even a holiday is a thing that must be worked for. To hold a pack upon a pack-saddle against a gale out of the freezing north is no high industry, but it is one that serves to occupy and compose the mind.And when the present is so exacting, who can annoy himself about the future?" 

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