Tofu-skin rolls with taro and mustard greens

  • 2 sheets fresh tofu skin, cut into roll wrapper size
  • 1/4 cup pickled mustard green, finely chopped
  • 1 cup taro root, boiled and skin removed
  • 1 tbs seasoned seaweed paste
  • a little milk
  • salt and sugar
  • cooking oil
  • 2 tbs dashi broth
  • 1/2 tsp sweet soy sauce
  • sesame oil

  1. smash taro roots ( like mashed potatoes) in a big bowl, add salt and sugar and a little milk
  2. add mustard greens and seaweed paste, mix well
  3. put 2 tbs taro mixture on a sheet of tofu-skin wrapper, make a roll and seal with a little water or tight with a dried gourd string
  4. heat the cooking oil in a pan, fry the rolls lightly all sides
  5. arrange the rolls in a shallow bowl, add dashi broth, soy sauce, and sesame oil
  6. put the bowl in a steamer and steam for 10 minutes.
  7. cut the rolls in small sections and serve

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