BREAKFAST --- coffee
LUNCH --- rice with stir-fried cabbage (leftovers)
DINNER --- parboiled fresh soy bean in pot | pasta with hot red pepper sauce | sauteed king mushroom in rice wine | fennel and bartlett pear salad
MOONLIGHT-TIME --- Chinese moon cake | green tea | Turkish delight
- Fresh soy beans and taro roots, wine and moon cakes are among the special food for Chinese harvest moon festival
- official beginning of autumn at 11:08pm. the storm moved away, sky was clear deep blue and the harvest moon with bright Jupiter nearby shined upon us, view from the tea house.
- 《把酒问月》 李白 (701-762 A.D.)
青天有月来几时 我今停杯一问之
人攀明月不可得 月行却与人相随
皎如飞镜临丹阙 绿烟灭尽清辉发
但见宵从海上来 宁知晓向云间没
白兔捣药秋复春 嫦娥孤栖与谁邻
今人不见古时月 今月曾经照古人
古人今人若流水 共看明月皆如此
唯愿当歌对酒时 月光长照金樽里