Sunday, October 9, 2022

homemade udon, and potato+apple quiche



 DINNERS ---  savory leek scone |  potato+ apple quiche |  homemade udon noodles in dashi broth +  tempura: shrimp, lotus root, eggplant, tonghao leaves |  simmered kao-fu pot with wood-ear, tofu skin, leek, sweet pepper, lotus root and okra | grilled lamb chop | manila clams and okra with baguette | baked bronizo | satueed roma beans | homemade semifreddo | homemade espresso+chocolate cake | homemade biscotti 


  • mostly dd's work:  savory leek scone,  potato+ apple quiche,  homemade udon noodles in dashi broth with tempura, semifreddo, espresso +chocolate cake,  biscotti 

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