Monday, December 24, 2012

kamo rosu: seared marianted duck

12-24-2012 Mon. chilly, snow and rain

BREAKFAST --- coffee with Baileys  | fresh orange juice | homemade orange bread | grapefruit 
AFTERNOON-TEATIME --- tea | tangerine 
DINNER --- five-spice simmered fresh peanuts | baked Japanese sweet potato fries | sauteed young mustard greens with pickled chili sauce | kamo rosu, Japanese style pan-seared marinated duck breast | wine 

  • 1 piece of duck breast, pack with a little salt and white miso, cover and refrigerate overnight. 
  • wipe clean, sear both sides  in no-oil pan 
  • dump the fat in the pan,  put duck aside 
  • reheat the pan, add  sweet soy, mirin, two tbls Shōchū, water, slices of fresh ginger and lemon peel, heat to boil, reduce the heat and maintain the liquid temperature around 160F
  • add  duck to the pan, poach till core temperature around 138F
  • remove the duck from liquid, set aside and cover, let it cool to room temperature
  • strain the liquid into a container, let it cool to room temperature
  • discard the fat layer from liquid, add duck to liquid, cover and refrigerate at least 4 hours or more. 
  • before serving, take out duck, slice thin
  • take some liquid and reduce it on stove top, then drizzle on duck in the serving plate 

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