Saturday, February 13, 2010

Eve of Year of the Tiger

2-13-2010 Sat. snow and icicles abound, occasional sun

WEEKEND BREAKFAST --- coffee | coconut cream bread | homemade rustic bread | sheep cheese | grape fruit
AFTERNOON-TEATIME --- green tea | roasted hickory nuts | roasted peanuts
DINNER --- soup of egg dumplings, lotus root, wood-ear, mung bean vermicelli and greens | winter melon stuffed with minced shrimp and simmered in bonito stock | broiled whole fish seasoned with five-spices | roasted then marinated red pepper and king mushroom | rice | red wine

  • It is Eve of Year of the Tiger. Following the Chinese new year traditions, we made soup dumplings with egg sheet wraps, and cooked a whole fish (these two dishes symbolize prosperity and good luck for the new year).

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